eC Delivery!
The eC way of booking trucks to transport your goods.
Point - to - Point | Standard Rate
A convenient way to book delivery trucks,
from L300 up to 10 Wheeler Wing Van,
that will pick up and deliver your goods
within Luzon. Affordable prices are ready.
Multi-Point | Standard Rate
Efficiently deliver your products
to ALL of your clients using
the MultiPoint service. The service
that allows the Shipper to input
multiple drop-off destinations,
directing the trucker and driver to
conduct multiple door-to-door drops.
Heavy & Special Trucs | RFQ
( Request for Quotation )
Heavy and Special Trucks
for your heavy and special cargo.
Book High Bed Trailers, Boom Trucks,
Reefers, and more. Prices are based
on trucker quotations.
Cross-Island | RFQ
( Request for Quotation )
Get the best price to transport
your goods across the sea
from Luzon to the next
Philippine Island. Prices are
based on trucker quotations.
eC Rent!
An easy way to rent Trucks or Vehicles for your Logistical requirements.
Rental | Standard Rate
Best use for multidrop delivery. A Truck or Equipment rental service for 4, 8 or 12 hours with a pre-computed rate,
excluding fuel expenses, subject to Shipper's reimbursement
Rental | RFQ ( Request for Quotation )
Best use for renting Special and Heavy Trucks where
rates are based on Trucker's bid providing the lowest
possible rate for delivery.